Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What's your first best memory?

Tonight I put Tressin on the kitchen counter while I made dinner.  She had been begging, she knew she would love it, and she did.  I saw her feet kicking against the cupboard beneath and I was in my first best memory.  I lived for a short time in my young young life in Guadalajara, Mexico.  Not New Mexico.  And not for long.  I was really little- maybe 2-4 yrs. so it is questionable what is really "remembered" at such a young age.  But I remember sitting on a outdoor bar/counter eating delicious mexican food on a hot, sunny day.  With my dad.  Kicking my feet against the wood beneath.  I remember dogs.  And being warm and happy and not really knowing anything else.  I really do remember that. And how pure and pleasantly simple everything was. 

Before slow computers and mortgage payments and abcesses and c-sections and comfort care...

Before high fructrose corn syrup and mean girls and fluoride treatments and billable time...

I know its been awhile but my computer sucks... I mean, needs some attention.  That unfortunately I dont have time for.  Or fortunately.

I can run 3.5 miles.


Amanda Jaksha said...

Hooray on the running. Unfortunatly they were already processing that damn corn (friggin tropical grain anyways) WAAAAYYYY back then ;) It really wasn't THAT long ago!

Vee said...

I LOVED watching your Dad read this!! He said Pirule's...and smiled very big!
You are so gonna kick my bootie on the run next week!;o)